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No Longer in the Doghouse offers a range of classes for all ages, breeds and abilities.


If you have already started your 1-2-1 training journey with Dawn she will advise the appropriate class for you and your dog.


To join the fun of NLDH group training you will need to have a pre class session. This will include getting you ready for the class environment and advised the right class for you and your dog. This session is arrange in a suitable location for the hour.


1-2-1 Services are £65.00ph.


By progressing from a 1-2-1 this ensures you and your dog have the best learning experience and you are fully ready with the key foundations for the distractions of a classroom environment. 


The dog training classes cover essential every life skills for your dog working alongside the Kennel Club Good Citizen Scheme (GCDS). The GCDS is the largest dog training scheme in the UK giving you the opportunity to take a test (if you wish) at each level of training with a certificate and rosette upon passing. 


Classes are held at Kirk Deighton Village Hall (Wetherby) on  Friday Evenings. **Classes are full at present**


Please contact me for class dates and times. 



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NLDH Puppy Skills Course : 4 months - 6months


This is a five week course  designed to follow on from the 1-2-1 Puppy Essential Training so you have the skills and knowledge to enter a positive  small class environment with like minded people.


Training covered will be: 


  • Puppy behaviour and development

  • Setting the scene at home

  • Teething problems

  • Skills for life – sits, downs, settling down on my bed, not jumping up etc. 

  • Getting puppy out and about with a loose lead

  • Puppy coming back when called.

  • Puppy games to play – lets engage that nose!

  • Being handled and groomed.

  • Being around other dogs and humans and not always saying hello - that’s okay!


 This course works alongside the Good Citizen Puppy Foundation Scheme. 




NLDH Junior Skills : 6 months - 1 year


This is a five week course providing you with help and support needed at this age. Distractions of life become very key at this development stage and as we are getting out and about more we need those extra skills. 


Training covered will be:


  • Loose lead walking in everyday life and distractions

  • Coming back when called – how to become interesting again

  • Being sociable around other dogs

  • Being calm when out and about – café, pub, family day out

  • Are we still jumping up? How can we move away from this?

  • Activities to do together and work on being a team

  • Progressing our handling for veterinary and grooming sessions

  • Working with our breed traits – hunting, chasing, herding etc



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NLDH Essential Skills Course 1: Bronze


This five week course is designed to help dogs over 1 year old develop their NLDH Essential Skills with the option to take a Kennel Club Bronze Good Citizen Test. 



Training covered will be:


  • Loose Lead Walking around dogs and humans

  • Recall with distraction

  • Settle on an lead (1 minute)

  • Control at a doorways/leaving vehicles

  • Veterinary handling and grooming

  • Settle in an environment with other dogs and people

  • Continuing working with distractions of life


NLDH Essential Skills Course 2: Silver


This five week course is for graduates from NLDH Essential Skills Bronze progressing beyond the basics of training, introducing new environments and distractions in a more everyday life situation, with the option to take a Kennel Club Silver Good Citizen Test. 



Training covered will be:


  • Play with Dog

  • Road walking

  • Recalls off lead

  • Stay (2 minutes)

  • Get in/out of the car under control

  • Come away from distractions

  • Food Manners

  • Controlled greetings

  • Examination by a stranger


NLDH Essential Skill Course 3:


This five week course is for graduates from NLDH Essential Skills Silver progressing to achieve the highest level which is Gold. We will continue with your previous training with developing your training skills to become an advanced handler, with the option to take a Kennel Club Gold Good Citizen Test. 



Training covered will be:


  • Road walk including changing of pace

  • Walk free beside handler

  • Recall to side

  • Down Stay (2 minutes, including 30 seconds out of sight of owner)

  • Send to Bed

  • Stop command

  • Relaxed isolation

  • Food manners

  • Examination by a stranger


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NLDH Beyond the Basics

Following on from completing the Essential Skills classes, this is a five week  advanced course designed by Dawn using her expertise in complex issues for teenager / older dogs. 


Classes will cover: 


  • How to bring retrieving, scent games & fun activities into your walks.

  • Handling and directional work at a distance.

  • Advancing with your Emergency Stop.

  • Training walks focusing on key skills in high distractions.

  • Everyday city life skills.




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